
Frogs-Two’s Program

Two-year-olds are curious and eager to learn. We provide a stimulating environment to promote independence. Through interactive classroom experiences, children are introduced to literacy, math, science, and social studies in a playful environment.

    1. Fireflies-Three’s Program

      Through hands-on, inquiry-based learning, Threes are exposed to literacy, math, science, social studies, and the arts while building lasting friendships and increasing their independence. Each day, your child will have the opportunity to participate in many different activities, including those in small group settings, individual interactions, play time, and more. Through this approach, we integrate teaching in a fun and engaging way for them.

    2. Caterpillars-Four’s/Five’s Program

      School readiness is the primary focus of this program. With a continued emphasis on learning through play, the teachers of this program will create an excitement for learning while building each child’s confidence.

    3. Extended Day Programs (AM and PM)

    4. Extended AM Care is available from 8:00 am- 9:00 am
    5. Lunch Bunch (Extended PM Care is available from 12:00 pm -2:00 pm